The playgrounds demonstrate how to use most the SDKs functionality. DeleteAll is here:
//: Asynchronously (preferred way) deleteAll GameScores based on it's objectId alone.
[scoreToFetch, score2ToFetch].deleteAll { result in
switch result {
case .success(let deletedScores):
deletedScores.forEach { result in
switch result {
case .success:
print("Successfully deleted score")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error deleting: \(error)")
case .failure(let error):
assertionFailure("Error deleting: \(error)")
Deleting a file is similar to the other SDKs and requires the masterKey which the documentation states . This type of functionality should only be used server side. To use the Swift SDK for cloud code see here:
Version 4.6.0 of the Swift SDK allows you to write Parse Cloud Code Functions and Triggers completely in Swift by taking advantage of Parse Webhooks.
Using the Swift SDK on the server-side allows you to send Push Notifications, create/modify schema’s, delete files, etc. To quickly get a Swift server that can connect to your nodejs Parse Server up and running quickly, fork the repo:
Have fun writing Swift Cloud Code!