How to return from Parse Cloud Function in Node.js

Is there a way to modify the arguments property so that I can use a [String : Any]?

No, Any isn’t Encodable, this only works with types that conform to the Encodable protocol. The dictionary for an argument was just an example. Your arguments can be separated into multiple properties of your cloud struct:

struct Cloud: ParseCloud {
  typealias ReturnType = EmailType
  var functionJobName: String
  var argument1: String // Required parameter to your cloud function, `argument1` should match the name of your cloud function parameter. 
  var argument2: Int? // Optional parameter to your cloud function, `argument2` should match the name of your cloud function parameter. 
  // You can have as many parameters as your cloud function has

Can I have the arguments be a struct that is Encodable?

If you want something similar to Any, you can add the AnyCodable package via SPM and use type AnyEncodable. See more here and here. So it may look like:

struct Cloud: ParseCloud {
  typealias ReturnType = EmailType
  var functionJobName: String
  var argument1: String // Required parameter to your cloud function, `argument1` should match the name of your cloud function parameter. 
  var argument2: Int? // Optional parameter to your cloud function, `argument2` should match the name of your cloud function parameter. 
  var argument3: AnyEncodable // Required parameter to your cloud function, `argument3` should match the name of your cloud function parameter. 
  // You can have as many parameters as your cloud function has

You can also do this with a mixed dictionary. Though I prefer the aforementioned methods as opposed to putting everything in a dictionary:

struct Cloud: ParseCloud {
  typealias ReturnType = EmailType
  var functionJobName: String
  var arguments: [String: AnyEncodable] 