ParseSwift Query to fill a List View

If you are looking for an example, you can look at my ParseCareKitSample project. You will need to follow MVVM just like other SwiftUI projects. For example, using ParseSwift to signup/login users via SwiftUI can be done by setting up the following:

Model - essentially you can think of your ParseSwift objects as your model:


ViewModel - Here isLoggedIn and loginError can use the @Published wrappers instead of the willSet block as I use this to teach my classes how wrappers work:

You can also use anything that ends in Publisher in the documentation.

Since you asked about queries and listing, it’s the same concept as login, just using Query in the documentation. Whenever your data is received in your ViewModel, it should be set equal to your published wrapper, something like @Published var objects: [MyParseObject] which will update the view every time the query is retrieved