We can connect to LiveQueryServer via ws, but not via wss. How can we configure it using via wss?

I changed to wss://api02.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com

same as client side and server side: wss://api02.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com

“classQuery”: [“Class1”,“Class2”]
“startLiveQueryServer”: “true”,
“appId”: “xxxx”,
“serverURL”: “wss://api02.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com”,
“masterKey”: “xxx”

Error message changed:

flutter: LiveQueryReconnectingController: Retrytimer set to 500ms
flutter: LiveQueryReconnectingController: LiveQueryClientEvent.DISCONNECTED
flutter: LiveQuery: : Error: WebSocketException: Connection to ‘https://api02.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:0#’ was not upgraded to websocket
flutter: ╭-- Parse Response
Class: LiveQuery
Function: ParseApiRQ.liveQuery
Status Code: -1
Type: UnknownError
Exception: WebSocketException: Connection to ‘https://api02.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:0#’ was not upgraded to websocket

I am also having the same issue, @ParseServerCandir did you able to resolve it? If so, could you post it here. Thanks in advance

No, not yet. I think we will solve the problem with @davimacedo’s support, or maybe others.

Could you please share the code that you are using to mount parse api and live query on express.js?


const ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer;
const RedisCacheAdapter = require('parse-server').RedisCacheAdapter
const http = require('http');
const firebaseAuthAdapter = require('parse-server-firebase-auth-adapter');

const databaseUri = process.env.DATABASE_URI;
const cloudCodeMain = process.env.CLOUD_CODE_MAIN || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js';
const appId = process.env.APP_ID;
const masterKey = process.env.MASTER_KEY;
const serverURL = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:1337/parse'
const cacheRedisURL = process.env.CACHE_REDIS_URL;
const liveQueryRedisURL = process.env.LIVE_QUERY_REDIS_URL;
const port = process.env.PORT || 1337;
const mountPath = process.env.MOUNT_PATH || '/parse';
const mode = process.env.SERVER_MODE || '';
const gcsProjectId = process.env.GCS_PROJECTID || '';
const gcsBucket = process.env.GCS_BUCKET || '';

const config = {
    databaseURI: databaseUri,
    cloud: cloudCodeMain,
    appId: appId,
    masterKey: masterKey,
    serverURL: serverURL,
    cacheAdapter: new RedisCacheAdapter({
        url: cacheRedisURL,
    liveQuery: {
        classNames: ['MyClass'],
        redisURL: liveQueryRedisURL,
    filesAdapter : {
       module: "@parse/gcs-files-adapter",
       options: {
           projectId: gcsProjectId,
           bucket: gcsBucket
    auth: {
        firebase: firebaseAuthAdapter


let enableLiveQuery = false;
if (mode === 'liveQuery') {
    enableLiveQuery = true;
const app = express();

const api = new ParseServer(config);
app.use(mountPath, api);

const httpServer = http.createServer(app);
    console.log('server running on port ' + port);
if (enableLiveQuery) {
    console.log('livequery server is running..');
    ParseServer.createLiveQueryServer(httpServer, {
        appId: appId,
        masterKey: masterKey,
        serverURL: serverURL,
        redisURL: liveQueryRedisURL,

module.exports = {

Flutter Parse:

await Parse().initialize(
    debug: true,
    liveQueryUrl: keyLiveQueryUrl,
    coreStore: await CoreStoreSharedPrefsImp.getInstance(),
    autoSendSessionId: true,

@yp19 what is the value of ‘keyLiveQueryUrl’?

liveQueryUrl: keyLiveQueryUrl

like mine?

it is https://livequery.domain.com

flutter log:

I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : Socket opened
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : ConnectMessage: {op: connect, applicationId: appid, sessionToken: r:token}
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : Done
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQueryReconnectingController: Retrytimer set to 10000ms
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQueryReconnectingController: LiveQueryClientEvent.DISCONNECTED

@yp19 well, what is the value of ‘redisURL: liveQueryRedisURL’?
and ‘serverURL: serverURL’?

redisURL: hostRedisServerURL
serverURL: https://objstore.domain.com

By the way, the above setup is working properly with Javascript. I have a Javascript test client, it is receiving the new objects created with LiveQueries

I think your live query seems working, ‘Socket opened’, ‘ConnectMessage: op:connect…’

I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : Socket opened
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : ConnectMessage: {op: connect, applicationId: appid, sessionToken: r:token}
I/flutter ( 8004): LiveQuery: : Done

No it is disconnecting and retrying, and it is not actually loading any new objects too:

Server log has following messages all the time:

info: Client disconnect: undefined
error: Can not find client undefined on disconnect

@davimacedo Yes, I am using express

Could you test wss connection? Mine not working…
websocket.org Echo Test - Powered by Kaazing

@ParseServerCandir Thanks for the websocket.org link.
I tried, it is working, I have received the clientId from parse livequery server.

So the flutter parse sdk is not recieving clientId it seems. Not sure what is the problem

Which version are you using ‘flutter parse server sdk’?
I’am using this:
parse_server_sdk_flutter: ^2.1.0

I am using:
parse_server_sdk_flutter: ^3.0.0

Although the server side seems to be not working for me.
websocket.org response me:
ERROR: undefined