afterLogin event not working

Hi, I am login the user with auth data, and the user was able to log in successfully.
const res = await Parse.User.logInWith(‘myAuth’, auth)

I want to add some extra fields and do some operations after the user login. but the following code is not executed in the cloud function.

Parse.Cloud.afterLogin(async request => {

But it was called when I am login through username and password.

Also, beforeLogin was called in both cases but not able to save extra data of the user in that function

Is the use successfully authenticated after the adapter validation? Maybe it has something wrong with the adapter that may be blocking the trigger to be fired later on. Or it can be a bug. If you can share the code of a minimum reproducible example of adapter that causes the problem, it would be nice.

@davimacedo Hi this is the POC git repository: GitHub - jeevan-ghule/ParseServerAuthLogin

The user is successfully authenticated after the adapter validation. also, created the user and session object in db

Maybe you’ve found a bug/limitation on afterLogin trigger. Would you mind to open an issue on Parse Server repo with a failing test case?

Sure, I will do that