AND queries always lead to Internal Server Error (500)

Hi guys,

I’m using Parse Server 4.10.4 together with JavaScript Client SDK and PostgreSQL 10. I figured out that the server has a problem with AND queries. Every time I fire an AND query on the client in the direction of server I’m getting multiple “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)”. When I look in the server response I see following:

“code”: 1,
“error”: {
“length”: 112,
“name”: “error”,
“severity”: “ERROR”,
“code”: “42703”,
“position”: “74”,
“file”: “parse_relation.c”,
“line”: “3293”,
“routine”: “errorMissingColumn”

42703 is a PostgreSQL error code which means that a column is missing or the query is not okay. But I am pretty sure that the column exist. The error comes every time when I make an AND query. When I execute one part or another part of the AND query everything works fine. For example:

const part1 = new Parse.Query(Event); -> query against server does not make any problems
part1.greaterThan("dateStart", new Date);

const part2 = new Parse.Query(Event);  -> query against server does not make any problems
part2.equalTo("participants", Parse.User.current());

const mainQuery = Parse.Query.and(part1, part2);  -> query against server leads to 500 error from above.

OR queries don’t make any problems.
Any ideas?

Best regards

Would you mind to check if latest version of parse server?

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Hi Davi,

I have upgraded to the last version of parse server right now. The problem seems to be solved there.
Many thanks!

Best regards