Hi there, new to parse.
Running on Windows 10, MongoDB 5.0.9, parse-server 5.2.1.
For the past couple of days I have tried on installing locally a parse server and dashboard instance. Installing the server presented little issue, but when I start it up (after running mongo in another terminal) I am met with a white screen that displays a “error: unauthorized” message.
I understand that this means that, while my server is up and running, I don’t have the credentials to access it. My console in the web browser confirms this with a 403 error.
How do I change these credentials so I can continue with the dashboard installation?
Hi @Broggy-Git,
Normally, if you see that error message, it’s because you’re not setting the App ID. As an example, if you try to connect to my Parse Server using REST, without setting the X-Parse-Application-Id
header, you’ll get the 403…even if your server is totally open/unrestricted.
Here are examples of my config for the server and dashboard - hope it helps:
const parseApi = new ParseServer({
appName: config.parse.appName,
databaseURI: config.parse.dbUri,
serverURL: `${config.parse.serverUrl}/parse`,
publicServerURL: `${config.parse.serverUrl}/parse`,
masterKey: config.parse.masterKey,
appId: config.parse.appId,
cloud: `${__dirname}/${config.parse.cloudFunctions}`,
fileKey: config.parse.fileKey || undefined,
allowClientClassCreation: false,
preventLoginWithUnverifiedEmail: false,
verifyUserEmails: false,
emailVerifyTokenValidityDuration: 2 * 60 * 60,
emailAdapter: { ... }
const parseDashboard = new ParseDashboard(
apps: [
serverURL: `${config.parse.serverUrl}/parse`,
masterKey: config.parse.masterKey,
appId: config.parse.appId,
appName: config.parse.appId
users: [
user: config.parse.adminUser,
pass: config.parse.adminPassword
allowInsecureHTTP: false