Cache SELECT queries

Hey I’m working with the JS SDK (on Typescript if that matters), and I need to quickly optimize an existing codebase.
Is there a way I can cache SELECT queries?

Ideally I would like to have some sort of LRU cache, so if the same query is executed multiple times per endpoint, it would just fetch from cache.
But also would want to invalidate the cache entry if that record is modified.

Hi @shner-elmo ,

You can use this package for cache. Maybe you can find useful things in your use case.

parse server memory cache package

Thanks, I was hoping to find something more established. This has like 4 weekly downloads. Which makes it hard to trust it in prod.

This is already using at prod. But okay this is up to you.

Hi @shner-elmo

  • Added cache stats monitoring
  • More clear documentation.
  • Debug mode for monitoring each cache process

Just for information