Hello everybody !
I am using an hosting service which is called Sashido, it allows me to have a version of Parse-Server which is version 3.6.0.
How can I know what is the compatible version of Parse-Android-SDK with this Parse-Server ?
Thank you for your help !
I would check parse server 3.6.0 release date using this page: Releases · parse-community/parse-server · GitHub
And then check the android sdk release closest to that date: Releases · parse-community/Parse-SDK-Android · GitHub
Thank you davimacedo for your response.
So I should take Parse-Android-SDK version 1.25 with Parse-Server version 3.6.0.
But I received a mail from facebook saying I should upgrade my facebook library to 8.2.0 (see image below). The fix has been made with Parse-Android-SDK 2.0.0.
What should I do ?
You can either try to use Parse-Android-SDK 2.0.0 with your current Parse Server version (test it out to check if there is any bug on your app - maybe not) or ideally upgrade your Parse Server version to the latest stable release.
Thank you Davimacedo for your response !