Concurrency issue

Hi everyone, I’ve a concurrency issue in the code below:

Parse.Cloud.define("subscribe", async (request) => {
  const listId = .....
  const subscriberId = ...
  const SubscribersList = Parse.Object.extend("SubscribersList");
  const query = new Parse.Query(SubscribersList);
  query.equalTo("listId", listId);

  let numberSubscriptions = await query.count({ useMasterKey: true });
 // maxSubscribers retrieved from another collection linked to the SubscribersList with the same listId
  const maxSubscribers = ..... get("maxSubscribers");

  if (numberSubscriptions < maxSubscribers) {
      const subscriber = new SubscribersList();
      subscriber.set("subscriberId", subscriberId);
      subscriber.set("subscriptionDate", new Date(;, { useMasterKey: true });       
}, {
  requireUser: true

When I add a new subscriber, if there are more concurrent requests, they could exceed the “maxSubscribers” that I have for a specific subscription list.

Any suggestion on how to manage the concurrency in this case?


MongoDB offers the $min operator for this, but I’m not sure whether Parse Server or the Parse JS SDK support this yet.

Is there any kind of mutex / lock that can be implemented in a safe way to manage these behaviors, including the write operation on the same collection field?

Thank you

It may be possible to use an aggregation query to do that. Aggregation queries can also perform modifications. So you could in 1 request look for the object with a condition that subscriberCount < x, then in the next pipeline step update the object.

However, I think the proper solution maybe be to implement the findAndUpdate command in Parse Server.

Maybe You can do it in JavaScript, “async-mutex” packages.

const { Mutex } = require('async-mutex');
const mutex = new Mutex();

Parse.Cloud.define("subscribe", async (request) => {
  // maxSubscribers retrieved from another collection linked to the SubscribersList with the same listId
  const maxSubscribers = ..... get("maxSubscribers");

  const release = await mutex.acquire();

  try {
    let numberSubscriptions = await query.count({ useMasterKey: true });

    if (numberSubscriptions < maxSubscribers) {
        const subscriber = new SubscribersList();
        subscriber.set("subscriberId", subscriberId);
        subscriber.set("subscriptionDate", new Date(;
        await, { useMasterKey: true });       
  } finally {
}, {
  requireUser: true

mutex.acquire() and release() .