Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to Parse Platform.
So far love the platform, however recently got stuck with ACL.
I’m struggling to understand how to configure/setup parse server in such a manner that: when a logged-in user creates a new record, ACL defaults to the user only?
I’m working on small Angular web-app, since Parse JS library doesn’t seem to support Observables, I decided to write my own REST calls (which was pretty easy once I read Parse Docs).
As far as I can gather I have to include ACL data in every call?
P.S: correct me if I made wrong assumption on observable/angular part.
Each object should have it’s own ACL. If you prefer, you can also do it via a cloud code function, minimising your frontend code and ensuring the data saved to your server has acl’s set.
Thank you, Cloud solution looks like something that will fit.
By the way why options for defaulting ACL on objects is not part of Parse Platform? In my head it makes lots of sense to include it into Parse out of the box and have ability to set it up via Dashboard.
It’s a good suggestion. We are currently looking at adding ACL options to the inbuilt validator, but I think it’s a good idea to potentially be able to set it up via dashboard.