deviceToken empty

We’ve got two Ionic/Cordova mobile apps using the Cordova plugin from GitHub - taivo/parse-push-plugin: Push notification plugin for Cordova/Phonegap/ionic on Parse platform to communicate with the Back4App parse server.

The plugin is using ParseSDK Android v1.18 (and we have tried upgrading the SDK to v4.2.1)
The Parse server is v2.8.4 - if we install a higher version it starts creating more problems with the app communication that we have not looked at yet.

The Android app needs upgrading to continue being offered through the Google Play store on new devices.

This meant upgrading to Cordova v11, which in turn meant upgrading the Android SDK to v32 and Google Services 4.3.10 (back in July 2023).

Since upgrading the above Parse server “installation” table always shows the deviceToken as undefined in the newly created record.

Is there any recommended steps to take when debugging the undefined deviceToken issue in?
