Does someone use Parse in combination with Nuxt (Vue)?

Does someone use Parse in combination with Nuxt (Vue) productively for example projects with >1000 clients?
Because I’m looking for a suitable stack with “Parse” as Backend and Nuxt as Frontend (WEB + IOS + Android).

And wonder why there are no examples or reports about this stack combination?

Thanks for any information!

Parse server thanks to its maturity (almost 10 years) is able to handle 99% of the use cases.

VueJS is a JS framework so you have the choice between the REST API, the JS SDK and even the latest GraphQL API.

Parse Server is very light and able to scale horizontally even with realtime queries.

You have control of the backend at all levels.
Another advantage is that it is a JS backend, so it is easy to navigate in development between the front end and the backend.

VueJS x Nuxt x Parse will work perfectly! (And save you money and a lot of time)

My current stack is : Storybook / React / Next / GraphQL / Parse / MongoDB / Docker / Kubernetes / Rancher

Hey thanks for your feedback!
I also think it’s a perfect stack which provides many enormous advantages.
Thus I am amazed that there are hardly any examples of Nuxt with SSR + Parse-Server.

I chose the JS SDK and I try to use VueJS with Nuxt and the SSR (server side rendering).
After setting up Nuxt with Vuetify I installed Parse with “npm install parse”
Then I had the 2x Errors:
ERROR in ./node_modules/xmlhttprequest/lib/XMLHttpRequest.js
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘child_process’ in '/Users/…’
ERROR in ./node_modules/xmlhttprequest/lib/XMLHttpRequest.js
Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘fs’ in '/Users/…’

I fixed it with adding this lines to the nuxt.config.js
** Build configuration
build: {
extend(config, ctx) {
config.node = {
fs: ‘empty’,
child_process: ‘empty’,

And to use the Parse-JS-Framework in combination with Nuxt SSR I used this lines:
const Parse = require(‘parse/node’);
Parse.initialize(“xxx”, “xxx”);
Parse.serverURL = 'https://xxx’;

to avoid this Warning because of the SSR:
It looks like you’re using the browser version of the SDK in a node.js environment. You should require(‘parse/node’) instead.

Now I’m looking for global integration, I think with nuxt plugin, but need more understanding of Nuxt plugin :nerd_face: :man_technologist:t2:

For ssr, try use the original require(“parse”)
Have you see this issue, it seems that an env var exists to disable the warning !
Merged :

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I’m a big fan of Nextjs, and I want to use Api Routes to make http calls to my Parse Server. Do you use the JS SDK or the Rest API? In case you’re using JS SDK, do you initialize in every route the Parse configuration? If you have any repo or example i will apreciate it!

For NextJS, now I use the new GraphQL Api that allow a full typed experience from backend to frontend.
Here a boiler plate that I use on my customers projects:

Note: if you want to use the JS SDK, you need to initialize it one time in _app.tsx