GeoPoint mutation is not working with graphql

When I perform a mutation in a class with a geopointer, I got the following exception.
Don’t geopointer work with graphql at the moment?
Everything works fine with javascript

parse-server: 5.0.0-alpha.7

"message": "schema mismatch for Test.position; expected GeoPoint but got Object",
mutation CreateTest {
  createTest(input: { 
    fields: { 
      position: { latitude: 40.0 longitude: 30.0 } 
  ) {
    test {

There are no problems with a query

query TestQuery {
  tests {
    edges {
      node {
        position {
  "data": {
    "tests": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "objectId": "e42Bc88zKC",
            "position": {
              "latitude": 44.44,
              "longitude": 55.55
          "node": {
            "objectId": "wKEGjsakeA",
            "position": {
              "latitude": 40,
              "longitude": -30

type or paste code here

Ok, I found the solution quite by accident

If a new column with the type GeoPoint is created, a default value must be entered

This works.
Screenshot 2021-11-20 023759

That does not work with graphql
Screenshot 2021-11-20 023849