How to make custom API using Node / Nestjs , Is there any way to learn or kick start guide?

Hello members, I am new to the parse server , I want make api for IOT project, where lot of machines are going to interact with Parse server . Is Parse server capable to handle lot of data .
How to make start writing Custom api in Node (express / nest js) or using Javascript using that api web app can communicate with parse server and machine can also consume that apis
Is there any tutorial to kick start with making apis over with setting up custom business logic .

Yes. There are many cases of people using Parse Server for iOT projects. Parse Server Example (GitHub - parse-community/parse-server-example: Example server using Express and the parse-server modul) is a good start point.

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How to start writing my first api using JS sdk on node on to of parse server which will be further sharing all platform mobile and web?
How to connect/initialize my localhost parse server with the node project?

Parse Server is actually built on top of Express.js and essentially an Express.js middleware. It automatically creates most of the endpoints you will need for your app and you and can create additional endpoints using Cloud Code Functions or writing your own custom Express.js routes. You can use Parse JS SDK to easily access the data managed by Parse. Like I told you, Parse Server Example is a good starting point. Give it a try and let me know in the case you need help.

Thanks for your replay

Where Can I write cloud function, And actually I want to make one node API project using JS SDK on top of parse (adding another layer to parse endpoints) which will be used by mobile app/web app and IoT devices Should I take this approach?

Because I want to add some business logic before or after any transaction perform or record inserted eg. If any transaction come from the device and Will add that raw transaction in one table and bases of that record, I will increase my counter in another table

I have started with git you have shared but still, confusion occurs in my mind that how things will go ,

In Parse Server Example, you can write your cloud code functions in cloud/functions.js.

You can create another node.js app on top of Parse besides I don’t think it is necessary in most of the cases. You can install Parse JS SDK and access Parse endpoints from there: JavaScript Developers Guide | Parse

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Thanks a lot @davimacedo
will parse JS SDK supports reactjs ? ,
My web app will be going to be written on reactjs ,
is there any sample from where I can get an Idea to start reactjs project with the parse server ?

I am also going to use React-native for mobile app and my IoT hardware has to communicate with Some API It won’t be integrated with the Parse server directly.

So In this case do I need/suggested making a kind of middleware ( node /php) between Parser and React web app , React native mobile app and IoT Devices . So It will save time to write the same function or query again on mobile app or on webapp . So here I am confused to take an approach and afraid that If I directly start fetching data on a web app I will make some functions to get data and again to get the same result I have to write it on a Mobile app .

Or still, I take an approach where I will take a be using SDK separately for different platforms.?

Pardon for asking you such a question because I am new to the Parse server and from RDBMS mindset and a bit afraid to use parse on my next project.

Parse Server is nor only a RDBMS. It is essentially a node.js (express.js) middleware and it automatically provides for you an api that can be used both from mobile, iot, and web apps. Even if you need a special route to be used only in one of them, it might be easier to create an additional route to the express.js app which is already running Parse instead of creating a brand new one. Also take a look at the cloud code functions, which are are more convenient way to create custom business logic on the server side. You can use the same Parse JS SDK to access the api both from a React app and a React Mobile app. There is also this new experimental lib that can be useful for you: GitHub - parse-community/parse-react: [EXPERIMENTAL] React, React Native, and React with SSR (e.g.

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Hi @davimacedo Thanks for your reply

As You suggested to use parse server example git repo, can I use as on my server for production propose where I can have server and dashboard on the same project ?

And if I start developing on my local machine and after that if I want to move (export) my schema/classes to live the server is there any tool (or option) for that . Or Do I need to start by installing on a live server and then start developing on it?

You can develop locally and then deploy to cloud. You can use Parse Server Example for production. Currently the easiest way to migrate the schema is via mongodump mongorestore.