How to query authData in parse dashboard?

example: = “xxxxxxxx”

Please avoid cross posting without reference. You already posted this in How about add query custom authData in parse dashboad? · Issue #2520 · parse-community/parse-dashboard · GitHub and the issue has been closed.

can not work in parse dashboard

can not work in parse dashboard

Are you browsing the _User collection? It seems that field doesn’t exist in the collection you are in, because you can’t select it from the list, right?

hi, please take look the gif. thanks

hi, please take look the gif. thanks

Don’t type anything but select the field authData then see the right filter conditions change. The field is a drop down to select a value, the typing can only be used to filter the fields in the drop down.

Thank you, i got it. works fine. and is there any help document about how to use dashboard ?