I have an app that uses Parse Server 2.8.4… because it is too outdated, I want to upgrade it to the latest version. How exactly do I do that? I have no idea what I need to do!
I also understand that many things have changed since the version I’ve got. Is the structure now also different?
For most deployments, the main work is refactoring Cloud Code. Parse Server moved away from chained JavaScript promises to async/await. In addition to the guide mentioned above, there are numerous resources available online about how JavaScript async/await works and what to consider.
Then there may be some changes in terms of APIs and methods, which usually make up the smaller part of the migration effort.
In general, we suggest to take a look at the change log from the current version (2.8.4) up to the target version (4.3.0) to see what which changes may impact your deployment specifically.
After parse server v3, cloud code has a new syntax. You need to refractor your cloud code. Also I assume your mongodb database version is also old. You may need to upadte mongodb version to newer version