I installed Parse and Parse Dashboard using docker compose. Now when i log in i see 403 error for serverinfo call.
Here is docker compose i used. I am not docker expert but i got docker compose from bitnami’s github and edited it based on what info was provided on github page.
Any idea’s what i am doing wrong? i am trying to install to play with parse but i only found one article and my docker compose looks similar to his except that my syntax is different coz his was written in 2018. If any of you have installed using docker compose and have it working would love to compare and see what i am doing wrong. Also would love to see what other options i can add to compose i am pretty sure i missed something.
That didnt work either. Does anyone has docker compose for mogodb, parse and parse dashboard that they used and worked successfully. I want one i can run locally i am not using AWS or anything. Just running it on my local Unraid server.
The link I posted in my previous comment uses mongo and can be ran locally (details in the readme). It’s also the one used when developers test out the Parse-Swift SDK, so I know it works. You just clone the parse-swift branch, change directory, and type, docker-compose -f docker-compose.mongo.yml up for mongo or docker-compose up for postgres. You can replace this line with parseplatform/parse-server:latest and this line if you want but it should work out of the box.
I might try that with some other machine. As i am running unraid on my server i just installed docker compose plugin to run docker. Looks like i might need to try some other OS on some machine when i can pull things locally. Hard to do on my main unraid server as it hosts out family media gallery and my pc backups. But i will have to give shot to what you are referring to.
i also want to deploy parse using docker but behind a reverse proxy. All containers starting fine and i can reach the dashboards login page. after login i get also a blank page with some errors in chrome dev tools:
Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint '<URL>'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
how can i prevent or fix this?
my docker-compose file looks like this:
and i also tryed the
command: parse-dashboard --dev
and the