Hello Parse Community,
I’ve been running Parse on Google AppEngine since Parse went open source. It’s been easy to update and maintain, but is also quite costly for a website that has ~200K sessions a month. Part of the price is due to my ignorance of AppEngine’s Node.js Flexible Environment. In the litttle I’ve experimented, I found that the default settings in the app.yaml
have been cheapest — runs me about $80 / month.
I recently discovered that Google has created serverless services which they call Cloud Functions. Instead of instance hours, they charge by invocations. I’m curious to test the parse-server
out on this and see if there are cost benefits. I figured I’d ask the community first to see if anyone else has configured this or found benefits (or pitfalls) with running parse-server
as a serverless function instead of an instance (Google or otherwise. I know AWS and Microsoft both provide these services too).