Hello good day, I have come this far because I have looked for all the ways to know when a user is online and offline and that my other clients know about it.
I have seen the Parse.Cloud.onLiveQueryEvent method but it only informs me of the number of users connected, but I need to know which user exactly connected, and then proceed to execute the function that is online.
I have seen that some execute a query every 2 seconds informing the server parse, this is not an option for me, the more users the server has it will go crazy, I just need to capture the clients that enter LiveQuery and those that are disconnecting from the server side, NOT CUSTOMER, and if it were possible (it would be perfect) it is to be able to send your ParseUser object id when connecting and that my server parse can obtain that information, also when it is disconnected.
Please if you have another idea of how to solve this I would be very happy, I hope you can help me, thanks.