I have posted this issue originally on Stackoverflow but got no response.
For my React Native app I am using Parse JS SDK and hosted Parse Server on Back4app.
When I try to register a new user, the user is not authenticated because the response does not return a sessionToken
However, once the user is in the db and signs in a sessionToken
is returned and the user is authenticated successfully.
The request is the same for sign in/up.
await Parse.User.logInWith('google', {
// auth data received from @react-native-community/google-signin
authData: {
id_token: token
Response on initial Sign Up
The response is supposed to return a sessionToken
which is missing. So the user is not authenticated and modifications on the user object are not possible.
"authData": {...},
"createdAt": "...",
"objectId": "...",
"updatedAt": "...",
"username": "..."
Response on sign in after user was created
"ACL": {...},
"authData": {...},
"createdAt": "...",
"objectId": "...",
"sessionToken": "...",
"updatedAt": "...",
"username": "..."
I don’t use any cloud code. Just a simple auth flow with Google oAuth.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Same issue for ‘sign in with Apple’