I have a Kubernetes cluster with the parse-dashboard container, that runs version 5.0.0… the latest image… when I try to add a column with type Array, it shows a blank page with the undefined error in browser console.
So I had to downgrade the dashboard version to 4.20.
I want to improve the Parse platform because I use it since 2 years, and I think it’s great!
Where can i report this bug? is this the right place
Hi @micheleruta thanks for reporting and welcome to our community forum! Could you please open an issue in the repository? Please remember to fill out the complete issue template, so we can reproduce the issue. Thanks!
This is still an issue on both 5.1.0-alpha.13 & 5.1.0-beta.2 updated to parse server 6.0.0.
I was able to add my array column using the javascript api console in the dashboard but the white page bug still remains doing it through the dashboard itself
Console errors are this:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘current’)
at i.value (dashboard.bundle.js:2:2456991)
at xo (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1635810)
at Ba (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1654403)
at ws (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1690950)
at fl (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1682425)
at dl (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1682350)
at rl (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1679380)
at dashboard.bundle.js:2:1631153
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1841656)
at Hi (dashboard.bundle.js:2:1630862)