Parse File image , actual location on server?

Hi @uzaysan ,
As of now, we are targeting 100k student images, Maximum size of one file will be 150kb / 300kb and a minimum of 30kb
So if files count touch to 1million then storing files on our own server will help so that is why playing with @parse/fs-files-adapter - npm

We are also not clear on this what to do either using fs-files-adapter or using CDN

The fs storage you referenced will work for storing data locally (folder on your server). The readme discusses how to use the FS adapter and it’s similar to the other file storage adapters (the mongo grid store adapter and FS adapter are designed to be very similar). I wrote the last major update to the FS adapter and still use it for one of my projects. Take note of the readme section I added when using the adapter with multiple parse servers and you will be fine:

You won’t see as many updates on the FS adapter as other parse repo’s because it’s: solid (high test coverage), has very few dependencies, and currently has all known bugs addressed. I suspect most new updates to the FS adapter will be dev dependencies and maybe more features if developers think of any.

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