Parse Live Query sometimes doesn't trigger Create, Update event


I met a problem related with LiveQuery: Sometimes doesn’t trigger Create, Update event, while sometimes it works.

I used Parse Server version 5, one parse server on a single physical machine, with only pm2, no other load balancers. Will the pm2 be the cause? Should I use redis server under my situation?

I pasted the related code below, just followed the docs from official Parse Server documentation:
server side code:

vue, client side code:

Great thanks!

Best regards, Jason

cc @dblythy - maybe a vue question for you

I’m following this one too as I am scaling a multi-instance/cpu Live Query Parse Server up to use redis. Client side looks fine - i’m not sure what would be causing this

Thanks both for kind help @dblythy @Manuel , will it be the similar to this post? How could I check the redis server works for this configuration? Since I reviewed my redis server, seems no new DB or data created there. My redis server co-used as bull (GitHub - OptimalBits/bull: Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.) queue.

And, from the official document, it tells url shoul be like this:


while my redis already created 16 DBs, or should I define the url similar as below?


Just would like to know: Is there any way I could turn on and check the log of running status of live query server along with its redis?

Thanks a lot.

If the pm2 is spawning multiple processes of your Parse Server, you need to setup redis for Live Query. Could you share your setup for live query and redis? As long as I know there is no away to get more logs for Live Query besides the verbose option.

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