Parse related StackExchange tags

Here is a list of current Parse related tags on StackExchange sites.

The purpose of the list is to get an overview of tags so we can better maintain them, e.g. merge tags, create synonyms, etc. Well maintained tags can improve tag suggestions and increase visibility for tagged question to get answers faster. It can also be useful for Parse team member who may want to subscribe to these tags to answer them on these sites.

If you see a Parse related tag on a StackExchange site that is not listed here, please comment so we can keep the list updated.



Code Review


  • Synonyms are tags that cannot be applied to a question but when typing the synonym, the redirected tag will be suggested, for example when typing parse-cloud, the tag cloud-code will be suggested.
  • New tags can easily be created by StackExchange users in the future, so we should keep screening for new tags to update the list and maintain the tags.
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Here are the ToDos regarding tag maintenance:


  • make tag parse-sdk-android a synonym of tag parse-android-sdk --> manually retagged questions, so the tag should disappear in a few days after the cleanup script runs on SO.
  • rename tag cloud-code to “parse-cloud-code”, so we have all parse related tags beginning with “parse-”
  • rename parselivequery to “parse-live-query” --> request on Meta SE completed
  • rename parseobject to “parse-object” and make it a synonym of “parse-platform”, because we don’t know to which SDK the user is referring to --> manually retagged SO questions, so the tag should disappear after some days
  • rename parsesdk to “parse-sdk” and make it a synonym of “parse-platform”, because we don’t know to which SDK the user is referring to --> manually retagged SO questions, so the tag should disappear after some days
  • remove tag parserelation and replace with respective parse-{OS}-sdk tag
  • merge tag android-parsequeryadapter with parse-android-sdk --> requested on Meta SE
  • remove tag pfuser and replace with respective parse-{OS}-sdk tag -> request posted on Meta SO
  • remove tag pfquery and replace with respective parse-{OS}-sdk tag -> request posted on Meta SO


  • rename tag parse to “parse-server” for consistency with StackOverflow --> requested renaming on MSF

Code Review

  • rename tag to parse-platform analogous to tag renaming on SO --> request completed on Meta CR
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I agree with all of these suggestions - in contrast to my comment here about the cloud-code tag - I can see that having all tags start with parse would be beneficial so happy to go with that.

I asked a SE moderator to retag as suggested.

Also, I think with this comprehensive list we can create a feasible meta SO request for these tag changes, once we have agreed upon then.

I am not sure whether this should be a tag. These are separate repos on Github, but essentially part of their respective SDK, Android or iOS. It may be better to create two tags parse-ui-android, parse-ui-ios and make them synonyms of their respective SDK tags parse-android-sdk and parse-ios-sdk.

Given the number of already existing Parse related tags on StackOverflow, it makes sense to remove the android-parsequeryadapter tag:

  • Parse Query Adapter has been deprecated.
  • SO users are still sometimes using the tag by mistake because they see the terms “parse”, “android” and “query”, without being aware that this was a specific feature of the Parse Android SDK.

I will therefore go ahead and retag questions that use the tag with the parse-android-sdk tag.

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  • tag [parselivequery] has been renamed to [parse-live-query]
  • discovered tag on Stack Exchange Code Review


  • Code Review tag has been renamed to parse-platform
  • discovered SO after-save tag which is often but not exclusively used for parse server hook
  • discovered SO parserole tag and removed it by retagging with related parse SDK tag
  • removed SE tag parserelation by retagging questions with related parse SDK tag
