Parse Server/Dashboard with Letsencrpt SSL

Hi everyone,

I am new to Parse Server & Dashboard and am loving what I see.

I have deployed Parse using the instructions here Installing Parse Server on Ubuntu 20.04 | Scaleway Documentation but am having so many issues trying to get SSL to work with certbot (Let’sEncrypt) - I am quite new to linux.

I have tried googling and installing Apache and Nginx to try reverse proxies, but I am hopeless with it all and just can’t figure out what to do.

Does anyone know of any links on how to get let’s encrypt working with Parse & dashboard?

Alternatively, I have had success with the Bitnami image and SSL, but the index.js/server.js files don’t match any documentation for setting up email verification - so if anyone has any experience with that, then that would be a valid alternative.

I thank you in advance!

Hey @enzomatrix,

Welcome to the community.

Apart from the allowInsecureHTTP config setting for your ParseDashboard, Parse doesn’t really care or have anything to do with SSL. This is between your webserver and Let’s Encrypt.

I use Nginx, PM2 and Let’s Encrypt to run my apps. I was about to type out a whole lot of stuff to explain how I run them, but did a quick search and found this post. The post speaks to your question about SSL and quite a bit more, so thought it was worth sharing.

As you can see, there’s not too much to getting SSL working.

There are obviously many different ways to handle one’s setup, but I’ve found nginx, pm2 and let’s encrypt to pretty simple to work with.

Good luck