Parse Server Heroku One Button Deployment

If anyone is need of a Parse Server free Heroku One button deployment that is highly configurable through environment variables, feel free to check out the netrecon repo here:

You only need to add values for 3 environment variables: NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME, PARSE_DASHBOARD_USER_ID, and PARSE_DASHBOARD_USER_PASSWORD; though there are 40+ other environment variables that you can change to tailor the server to your needs.

This uses the latest parse-server 5.1.1+ by default and is configured for:

  • REST and GraphQL enabled
  • Comes with Parse Dashboard, just need to add a username and password to the environment before deploying
  • LiveQuery
  • PM2, the default configuration runs 4 parse-servers load balanced
  • Much more…

It also comes with a number of configured add ons out-of-the-box:

Note that the snapcat branch I linked above is for any general server needed for ANY application you want to build. It’s currently used for the sample ParseSwift SDK app, SnapCat.

The above configurations are setup for Heroku’s free plan, so if you need the HIPAA/GDPR compliance, please refer to the notes in the README.

If you are interested in testing out ParseSwift SDK in Playgrounds, use the parse-swift branch of parse-hipaa as it’s already configured properly.