I cannot find sufficient documentation to tell what are the acceptable values for this setting? The main documentation within the LoggerAdapter states a string - what would acceptable value be? Or is it converted to an integer, and is there a range?
I am using environment variables, which can be set via PARSE_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL
In my servers I use: error or info
Hmmm, I have tried both values. When starting up the container, the log file outputs the various parameters / configurations. It shows as:
level: undefined
The only exception is if verbose=true
which then sets level=verbose
Seems info
is the default.
And the error log file never has any content, in /opt/bitnami/parse/logs/
These should be the allowed values: ‘error’, ‘warn’, ‘info’, ‘debug’, ‘verbose’, ‘silly’
Here are my words for all of this
Here are my words for all of bigs
Here are my words for all of select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;