Please help me modify the "Parse-SDK-dotNET" example code

Hello, everyone, I want to test the code on “Parse-SDK-dotNET” (GitHub - parse-community/Parse-SDK-dotNET: Parse SDK for .NET, Xamarin, Unity.):

1 according to the document set the Parse Server Server, and the “Saving your first object” (Parse Server Guide | Parse) tests pass, the diagram below:

2 I used visual studio 2022 to create a.NET command line program and import Parse’s NUGET package, but the error is as follows:

The code is as follows:

using Parse;
using Parse.Abstractions.Infrastructure;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Formats.Asn1.AsnWriter;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // 初始化 Parse 客户端
        //var client = new ParseClient("SincereTeamMate", "", "SincereTeamMate");
        ParseClient client = new ParseClient("SincereTeamMate", "", "SincereTeamMate");

        // Create a user, save it, and authenticate with it.
        await client.SignUpAsync(username: "Test", password: "Test");
        Console.WriteLine("SignUp a user.");

        // Get the authenticated user. This is can also be done with a variable that stores the ParseUser instance before the SignUp overload that accepts a ParseUser is called.

        // Deauthenticate the user.
        await client.LogOutAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("LogOut the user.");

        // Authenticate the user.
        ParseUser user = await client.LogInAsync(username: "Test", password: "Test");
        Console.WriteLine("LogIn a user.");

        // Create a new object with permessions that allow only the user to modify it.
        ParseObject testObject = new ParseObject("TestClass") { ACL = new ParseACL(user) };
        Console.WriteLine("Create a new object with permessions that allow only the user to modify it.");

        // Bind the ParseObject to the target ParseClient instance. This is unnecessary if Publicize is called on the client.

        // Set some value on the object.
        testObject.Set("someValue", "This is a value.");
        Console.WriteLine("Set some value on the object.");

        // See that the ObjectId of an unsaved object is null;

        // Save the object to the target Parse Server instance.
        await testObject.SaveAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Save the object to the target Parse Server instance.");

        // See that the ObjectId of a saved object is non-null;

        // Query the object back down from the server to check that it was actually saved.
        Console.WriteLine((await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObject.ObjectId).FirstAsync()).Get<string>("someValue"));

        // Mutate some value on the object.
        testObject.Set("someValue", "This is another value.");

        // Save the object again.
        await testObject.SaveAsync();

        // Query the object again to see that the change was made.
        Console.WriteLine((await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObject.ObjectId).FirstAsync()).Get<string>("someValue"));
        Console.WriteLine("now you see GetQuery could run......");

        // Store the object's objectId so it can be verified that it was deleted later.
        var testObjectId = testObject.ObjectId;
        Console.WriteLine("Store the object's objectId ");

        // Delete the object.
        await testObject.DeleteAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Delete the object.");

        // Check that the object was deleted from the server.
        Console.WriteLine(await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObjectId).FirstOrDefaultAsync() == null);
        Console.WriteLine("now you see GetQuery(T).WhereEqualTo() could run......");

        // Deauthenticate the user again.
        await client.LogOutAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Deauthenticate the user again...End All");


Please help me modify the code so that the program can run! Thank you!