Please help me modify the "Parse-SDK-dotNET" example code

Hello, everyone, I want to test the code on “Parse-SDK-dotNET” (GitHub - parse-community/Parse-SDK-dotNET: Parse SDK for .NET, Xamarin, Unity.):

1 according to the document set the Parse Server Server, and the “Saving your first object” (Parse Server Guide | Parse) tests pass, the diagram below:

2 I used visual studio 2022 to create a.NET command line program and import Parse’s NUGET package, but the error is as follows:

The code is as follows:

using Parse;
using Parse.Abstractions.Infrastructure;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Formats.Asn1.AsnWriter;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // 初始化 Parse 客户端
        //var client = new ParseClient("SincereTeamMate", "", "SincereTeamMate");
        ParseClient client = new ParseClient("SincereTeamMate", "", "SincereTeamMate");

        // Create a user, save it, and authenticate with it.
        await client.SignUpAsync(username: "Test", password: "Test");
        Console.WriteLine("SignUp a user.");

        // Get the authenticated user. This is can also be done with a variable that stores the ParseUser instance before the SignUp overload that accepts a ParseUser is called.

        // Deauthenticate the user.
        await client.LogOutAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("LogOut the user.");

        // Authenticate the user.
        ParseUser user = await client.LogInAsync(username: "Test", password: "Test");
        Console.WriteLine("LogIn a user.");

        // Create a new object with permessions that allow only the user to modify it.
        ParseObject testObject = new ParseObject("TestClass") { ACL = new ParseACL(user) };
        Console.WriteLine("Create a new object with permessions that allow only the user to modify it.");

        // Bind the ParseObject to the target ParseClient instance. This is unnecessary if Publicize is called on the client.

        // Set some value on the object.
        testObject.Set("someValue", "This is a value.");
        Console.WriteLine("Set some value on the object.");

        // See that the ObjectId of an unsaved object is null;

        // Save the object to the target Parse Server instance.
        await testObject.SaveAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Save the object to the target Parse Server instance.");

        // See that the ObjectId of a saved object is non-null;

        // Query the object back down from the server to check that it was actually saved.
        Console.WriteLine((await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObject.ObjectId).FirstAsync()).Get<string>("someValue"));

        // Mutate some value on the object.
        testObject.Set("someValue", "This is another value.");

        // Save the object again.
        await testObject.SaveAsync();

        // Query the object again to see that the change was made.
        Console.WriteLine((await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObject.ObjectId).FirstAsync()).Get<string>("someValue"));
        Console.WriteLine("now you see GetQuery could run......");

        // Store the object's objectId so it can be verified that it was deleted later.
        var testObjectId = testObject.ObjectId;
        Console.WriteLine("Store the object's objectId ");

        // Delete the object.
        await testObject.DeleteAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Delete the object.");

        // Check that the object was deleted from the server.
        Console.WriteLine(await client.GetQuery("TestClass").WhereEqualTo("objectId", testObjectId).FirstOrDefaultAsync() == null);
        Console.WriteLine("now you see GetQuery(T).WhereEqualTo() could run......");

        // Deauthenticate the user again.
        await client.LogOutAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Deauthenticate the user again...End All");


Please help me modify the code so that the program can run! Thank you!

Does that mean the server response cannot be parsed? What is the response? Any logs ok the SDK or server side?

I had this issue when porting to .NET 9, i think it’s due to the way the server now gives responses which are now in HTML doc forms so the code had to be updated to care for that.
Either they will push a fix or you can edit .
I did so and Upped to .net 9 and MAUI compat