Range query within Object field

How do you do range query with Parse:

Say I have this object:

  "name": "YogaClub",
  "schedules": [
      "day": "monday",
      "opens": 25200000000000,
      "closes": 39600000000000


How do I query for schedules having day of “monday” and opens-closes that is in range of given two values say: opens: 26000000000000 and closes: 30000000000000

query.equalTo("schedules.day","monday"); should work.

Hi, your solution, it does not satisfy the query needed which is:

query for schedules having day of “monday” and opens-closes that is in range of given two values say: opens: 26000000000000 and closes: 30000000000000

You can use same thing. İ guess your range value must be between opens and closes value.

query.greaterThan("schedules.opens", value);