Roadmap Parser server V5

According to V5 should be released the beginning of 2022 so we assumed it would already have happend.

We are waiting for this release to go in production and are getting worried this might take too long. Any updates a specific date or which tickets need to be resolved? Maybe we can contribute to speed up the process

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The same waiting here… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@davimacedo @Manuel ???

Release will be this month. Delay is due to some final touches.


Thanks for the reply and great to hear! Looking forward!

A quick update, Parse Server 5 release is almost ready, we will likely release in a couple of days, but definitely in March.


I’m happy to announce that Parse Server 5.0 has been released today.

Apologies for the delay. We plan to do a major release in Jan every year, but this time we wanted to merge some important bug fixes before release, some of them breaking changes which we only can merge as part of a major release.


Awesome !! :clap: :raised_hands: :star_struck: , and will report back on memory leaks by doing some load tests.

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And btw @Manuel which branch is the release branch?

See parse-server/ at alpha · parse-community/parse-server · GitHub

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Hi @Manuel ,

Now that version 5 is out, does it mean that v4 will not get any updates from now on? The same question applies to parse-dashboard.

Parse Dashboard does not have LTS currently.