I’m using the Parse Dashboard 1.2.0 and the Ruby API for a Rails app.
I’ve set the PARSE_SERVER_PASSWORD_POLICY_VALIDATOR_PATTERN env variable on the config page to “/^(?=.?[A-Z])(?=.?[a-z])(?=.?[0-9])(?=.?[#?!@$ %^&*-]).{8,}$/”. My impression is that this will force validation of passwords, ensuring a length of 8, one each of lower- and uppercase, digits, and “special” characters.
At the Rails model validation level, I’ve tried using:
I am, however, able to turn off javascript while setting a password, enter a password like “junkpass” with no apparent warnings, and later be able to login with it.
Am I missing a step? How do I ensure that ill-formed passwords do not pass validation, and notify the user of this fact?
Hi, thanks for the feedback! I tried both patterns and I was able to create a User with the password “foo” with each. I think, regardless of what the regex is, if a pattern doesn’t meet it, it should be rejected. But to confirm, adding the regex as a value for the PARSE_SERVER_PASSWORD_POLICY_VALIDATOR_PATTERN should be sufficient, under normal circumstances, to enforce such password requirements, yes? If so, I think we may have set up our installation in a very non-standard way, one that is breaking those expectations.
Yes. It should be sufficient but I am afraid the env var is not working as expected. Would you mind to try it out passing the option directly to Parse Server initialization?