I am writing a job to do small migration for some records in the database. Here is my defined Job
Parse.Cloud.job("ParentsMigration", async (request) => {
let userQuery = new Parse.Query(PlatformUser)
let parentQuery = new Parse.Query(Parent)
userQuery.equalTo("roles", PublisherRole.clientRepresentation)
let allPublishers = await userQuery.find({useMasterKey: true})
parentQuery.equalTo("type", ParentType.Faculty)
let allParents = await parentQuery.find({useMasterKey: true})
for (const parent of allParents) {
for (const publisher of allPublishers) {
if (publisher.get("belongsTo").includes(parent)) {
await,{useMasterKey: true})
I am using ES6 classes to represent my Parse classes in my codebase. Inside each class I access the object attributes using setters and getters and here is a sample subclass
export default class PlatformUser extends Parse.User {
constructor(attributes?: Parse.User<Attributes>) {
set roles(value) {
this.set("roles", value)
get belongsTo(): Array<Parent> {
return this.get("belongsTo")
set belongsTo(value) {
this.set("belongsTo", value)
// other setters and getters
What is the problem
The problem is not with what the function is doing. The problem is at the lines where I do console.error(). That first console statement return undefined and for the second returns an un-completed object even though I have included the field in the query
ParseObject {
_objCount: 36,
className: 'Parent',
id: 'O1UvlFgQUp3P'
Honestly I am not a Javascript/Typescript expert so It might be something related to my poor understanding of the language or it’s something related to the JS SDK (which I believe it’s not). But I don’t quite understand what is the difference between calling get(“key”) directly on the object and calling it but within a property getter
Any help will be appreciated