First of all, I must say thank you all contributors for your awesome work with Parse. We’ve used it in production since shut down and it’s comforting to see that it’s still under active development
We’ve been quite a few releases behind since the 3.0 upgrade was quite extensive for us (we have >500 cloud functions). So when I tried to upgrade beyond 3.3 I realized that stack traces are logged in a single line, both for stdout when running locally and in our production environment as well (Heroku -> Papertrail)
This is an error that is thrown in the beforeSave on version 3.1.3 (I’ve simplified the output for clarity).
error: beforeSave failed for SomeClass for user undefined:
Input: {...}
Error: {"message":"Some error message","code":141} className=Notification, triggerType=beforeSave, message=Some error message, code=141, user=undefined
error: Some error message message=Some error message, stack=Error: Some error message
at error (/node_modules/parse-server/lib/triggers.js:300:16)
at wrapped (/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:184:28)
at Promise.linkTransaction (/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/promise.js:295:65)
And here is the log output for the same error on version 3.10.0. The behaviour seems to be the same in version 4.5.0.
error: beforeSave failed for SomeClass for user undefined:
Input: {...}
Error: {"message":"Some error message","code":141} {"className":"Notification","triggerType":"beforeSave","error":{"message":"Some error message","code":141}}
error: Parse error: Some error message {"code":141,"stack":"Error: Some error message\n at error (/node_modules/parse-server/lib/triggers.js:345:16)\n at wrapped (/node_modules/newrelic/lib/transaction/tracer/index.js:184:28)\n at Promise.linkTransaction (/node_modules/newrelic/lib/instrumentation/promise.js:295:65)"}
Is this an issue anyone else have experienced? Any help would be much appreciated!
Many thanks for your reply @dplewis. I tried your fix (changed to "parse-server": "", in package.json), but the issue still remains.
I guess I can implement my own logger via the loggerAdapter API, or should I try to fix it in a PR? I’m not sure if the new format is a bug or a feature.
I think this is related to this issue in winston There seems to be several examples of how to log the stack correctly (for stdout), but since we’re still using winston 2 and need to upgrade our Parse version I think I’ll go ahead and just implement our own logger adapter for now.