Hi everyone, I’m a newbie of Parse server and I have one trouble.My project is using Graphql, parse server and parse server cloud code. Im using AWS S3 to upload Images by using filesAdapter with module @parse/s3-files-adapter and it work perfect. But My project using some custom mutation so I need to add custom file Schema.graphql like this in config file of parse server.
Code like this: “graphQLSchema”: “./schema.graphql”.
Cuz I can just upload 1 image
Then I test to using Mutation upload file it don’t work like usual and it show the error like this.(BTW I’m using FireCamp, it’s a tool to help me write graphql code easier) Thanks guys, please help me. (My English quite bad
If you guys have any solusions please let me know. thanks
Could you share your schema.graphql and your cloud code to resolve the schema?
yes this is my code of schema
Type declare
type SendVerificationCodePayload {
clientMutationId: String
status: Int!
messages: String!
type ConfirmVerificationCodePayload {
clientMutationId: String
status: Int!
messages: String!
data: User!
type User {
objectId: String!
phoneNumber: String!
type checkrCandidatesPayload {
messages: String!
Input declare
input sendVerificationCodeInput {
“Phone Number”
phoneNumber: String!
clientMutationId: String
input confirmVerificationCodeInput {
“Phone Number”
phoneNumber: String!
“Verify Code”
verifyCode: String!
clientMutationId: String!
input checkrCandidatesInput {
first_name: String!
last_name: String!
email: String!
phone: String!
extend type Mutation {
“Send Verify code to login or register”
input: sendVerificationCodeInput
): SendVerificationCodePayload @resolve(to: “sendVerificationCode”)
“Send Verify code to login or register”
input: confirmVerificationCodeInput
): ConfirmVerificationCodePayload @resolve(to: “confirmVerificationCode”)
createCheckrCandidates(input: checkrCandidatesInput): checkrCandidatesPayload
@resolve(to: “checkrCandidates”)
it link to the function cloud code everything is work perfect i can do all the function with graphql but i can not upload image
this is my config file of parse server as you can see im using @parse/s3-files-adapter" so when i upload the file the file will go to aws s3 server. If I remove “graphQLSchema”: “./schema.graphql” line it upload perfect but the cloud code can not using by graphql
“appName”: “”,
“appId”: “asdf”,
“cloud”: “./cloud/main.js”,
“databaseURI”: “mongodb://”,
“jsonLogs”: true,
“masterKey”: “asdf”,
“mountGraphQL”: true,
“mountPlayground”: true,
“graphQLSchema”: “./schema.graphql”,
“port”: 1337,
“startLiveQueryServer”: true,
“verifyUserEmails”: false,
“graphQLPath”: “/graphql”,
“mountPath”: “/”,
“maxUploadSize”: “50mb”,
“playgroundPath”: “/playground”,
“filesAdapter”: {
“module”: “@parse/s3-files-adapter”,
“options”: {
“bucket”: “”,
“region”: “”,
“bucketPrefix”: “”,
“directAccess”: false,
“fileAcl”: null,
“baseUrl”: null,
“baseUrlDirect”: false,
“signatureVersion”: “v4”,
“globalCacheControl”: “public, max-age=86400”,
“ServerSideEncryption”: “AES256|aws:kms”,
“validateFilename”: null,
“generateKey”: null
That’s strange. It should work but maybe there is some problem with the upload file handler when merging the schema. Would you mind to write a failing test case in the open source repo? In the meantime, I believe the easiest way for you is to upload through the REST api.
yup for sure! Oh and can I downgrade the version and using it?
You don’t need to downgrade. Both REST and GraphQL are available on your Parse Server. Since your mount path is /
the REST API is mounted on the root of your server address.
Oh thanks a lot