Version 4.9.3 seems to disappear from Github


Our system detected Parse Server 4.9.3 as the latest stable version. However, on July 8th it started to fail since that version does not appear on Github. Could you please give us some light on this issue?

We have also found a couple of issues with users using this version (e.g. We can connect to LiveQueryServer via ws, but not via wss. How can we configure it using via wss?).


Latest version is actually 4.5.0. You can see in GitHub (Releases · parse-community/parse-server · GitHub) and npm ( - click on versions tab). It has been like that for a while and we didn’t delete any release (it is even impossible to do that in npm). We did delete some tags recently that were pushed by accident by one of the committers (not sure if there was some tag with 4.9.3 though - @Manuel may know). Maybe you are referring to this tag and not to the releases. To avoid that in future, I recommend you always install the latest version published to npm.

I can confirm that there were tags 4.9.x on GitHub. The tags have been deleted since then. These were merely tags, not actual releases on npm or GitHub.

We apologies for the inconvenience this has caused. To prevent this from happening again, we are restricting permissions of repository members and reviewing our current process of maintaining repository member lists.

@dgomezleon Can you give us insight into how we should proceed regarding this issue?

  • How are these bitnami images managed?
  • How can the bitnami images with the incorrect versions be removed?

I already posted on the original Bitnami Forum thread, but maybe this thread is more appropriate to discuss this.