What exactly does expireInactiveSessions flag?

Could anyone give me a hint what exactly the expireInactiveSessions does? In the documentation I found:

Sets wether we should expire the inactive sessions, defaults to true

I tried to set sessionLength to only 120 seconds in the server custom settings and after this any request correctly throws an error:

code=209 error=Session token is expired.

but it does the same no matter if I set expireInactiveSessions false or true and in both cases the session stays in the database (not deleted). So what does this actually affect?

Thanks for clarification!

Take a look here: parse-server/Config.js at 9ea355b4635226ae4da17c8cc5fb0321e3fdec5e · parse-community/parse-server · GitHub

Basically, if expireInactiveSessions is set false, new sessions are created with no expiration date.

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Ah, I see. Do you think I should add into the documentation that your sentence “new sessions are created with no expiration date.”? Because that would explain it better I believe.

Sets wether we should expire the inactive sessions, defaults to true. If false, all new sessions are created with no expiration date.

Yes. I think it would be a good addition.

I created a related pull request, hopefully all good. Let me know if I should adjust anything.

Thank you!

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