What to return from validation function in cloud code

I have a custom validation function in cloud code, it checks the user is a member certain roles, but following the documentation it suggests, doing this

    const validationFunction(){
          if(isAdmin){return}else{throw "unauthorised"}

        return "hello world"

But if the user isn’t admin, the throw “unauthorised” crashes my node app. I assume its because there is no catch block, but returning anything from the validationFunction means the cloud code will run, im a bit baffled as to how you use it? In the example it also shows checking the user against a hard coded userId, thats pretty useless for most circumstances, I use a Role search to check the user has rights, is this wrong?

I guess it is something related to the isAdmin var. Looking at the code you shared, I don’t see where this var is being set. I see also some syntax errors.

Sorry this is my actual validation code

const validationRules = (request) => {
  if (request.master) {
  if (!request.user) {
    throw error;
  var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
    .equalTo("users", request.user.id)
    .find({ useMasterKey: true })
    .then((roles) => {
      console.log("validation found", roles, request.user);
      if (
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("staff") ||
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("admin")
      ) {
      } else {
        throw error;
    .catch((err) => {
      throw error;

I don’t have any problem here, if the user is admin or staff it’ll find them and return, which allows the cloud code to run, my question is, what do I do if they are a user, but not admin or staff, in the example in the docs the code throws an error, but if I do that it crashes my node app. What should I return to the cloud code to stop it from running, but not crashing the app?

When you say node app, are you referring to a client or the node app running parse server?

Is error defined here? There are a few places you throw error when error looks to be undefined.

The express app with the Parse server middleware and cloud code.

Sorry I’ve tried lots of things, lots of different errors but the original code, which matches the docs, and crashes my app is this

const validationRules = (request) => {
  if (request.master) {
  if (!request.user) {
    throw "Unauthorized";
  var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
    .equalTo("users", request.user.id)
    .find({ useMasterKey: true })
    .then((roles) => {
      console.log("validation found", roles, request.user);
      if (
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("staff") ||
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("admin")
      ) {
      } else {
        throw "Unauthorized";
    .catch((err) => {
      throw "Unauthorized";

What version of Parse Server are you using?

Parse Server version 4.5.0

I guess the problem happens because you are not returning your promise. Try this:

const validationRules = (request) => {
  if (request.master) {
  if (!request.user) {
    throw "Unauthorized";
  var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Role);
  return query
    .equalTo("users", request.user.id)
    .find({ useMasterKey: true })
    .then((roles) => {
      console.log("validation found", roles, request.user);
      if (
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("staff") ||
        roles.map((a) => a.attributes.name).includes("admin")
      ) {
      } else {
        throw "Unauthorized";
    .catch((err) => {
      throw "Unauthorized";