When validateAppId function trigger in custom auth

I am using custom auth for login. the CustomAuth contains two methods validateAuthData and validateAppId
validateAuthData will trigger when the user login the first time, but the validateAppId never called.
What is the use of this method and when it will trigger?

Code : config for parse server initialization
auth: {
myAuth: {
module: CustomAuth

CustomAuth contains validateAuthData(authData, options) {} and validateAppId(appIds, authData, options) {} .

If you pass appIds options in your custom adapter config, the validateAppId function will be called. The idea is to use this function to validate if the authData created by the client was really created for your app.

Could you please give an example of how to pass appIds or any doc link that explains how to pass addIds?

I have tried a couple of ways but not worked for me?

You can get some experimentation on the Facebook auth adapter: parse-server/facebook.js at alpha · parse-community/parse-server · GitHub. This is how app id is set for fb adapter: Parse Server Guide | Parse

@davimacedo Thanks It is working for me
When passing appIds in auth while parse server set up

Code : config for parse server initialization
auth: {
myAuth: {
module: CustomAuth,
appIds: [‘aa’, ‘bb’]

@davimacedo but how is the lifecycle of validateAppId? Does it run on every login? Or only on server initialization?

every login as long as I know