Hi, this is a noob question, but I couldn’t find a good example of how to declare a schema on the server. I’m using ParseServer() in an Express app, and my front-end plans to consume GraphQL.
I see the documentation for new Parse.Schema, but don’t understand where to put this code.
I’m looking through github - (search?l=JavaScript&q=%22new+Parse.Schema%22&type=Code) for examples.
@MichaelJCole , currently the pre defined parse schemas feature is not support.
But here a conversation about a script that i use on many projects to support this feature.
(Script used in production)
Wow nice magic with serverStartComplete, I had had to use hack with setting a delay(~300ms) before setting permissions and checking/setting class/columns - at first start from scratch there were errors because db didn’t have time for creating before my checking started.