Why so slow in dashboard?

why very slow?

export const AVFile = {
    className: "AVFile",
    fields: {
        mime_type: {type: "String"},
        key: {type: "String"},
        name: {type: "String"},
        provider: {type: "String"},
        owner: {type: "String"},
        size: {type: "Number"},
        url: {type: "String"},
    indexes: {
        _AVFile_ownerIndex: {owner: 1},
    classLevelPermissions: {
        find: {},
        count: {},
        get: {},
        update: {},
        create: {},
        delete: {},
        protectedFields: {},
indexes: {
        _AVFile_ownerIndex: {owner: 1},
        _AVFile_createdAtIndex: {_created_at: 1},
        _AVFile_updatedAtIndex: {_updated_at: 1},
        _AVFile_objectId: {objectId: 1},
 Failed to run migrations: Error during update of schema for type AVFile: ParseError: 102 Field _created_at does not exist, cannot add index.

I use parse server 6.4.0 parse-dashboard 5.3.0

export const AVFile = {
    className: "AVFile",
    fields: {
        mime_type: {type: "String"},
        key: {type: "String"},
        name: {type: "String"},
        provider: {type: "String"},
        owner: {type: "String"},
        size: {type: "Number"},
        url: {type: "String"},
    indexes: {
        AVFile_ownerIndex: {owner: 1},
        AVFile_createdAtIndex: {_created_at: 1},
        AVFile_updatedAtIndex: {_updated_at: 1},
    classLevelPermissions: {
        find: {},
        count: {},
        get: {},
        update: {},
        create: {},
        delete: {},
        protectedFields: {},
[TS] error: Failed to run migrations: Error during update of schema for type AVFile: ParseError: 102 Field _created_at does not exist, cannot add index.

why cannot create index of _created_at ?

@ Manuel

Error says:

Field _created_at does not exist

Are you sure this field exist?

I am sure. ervery object has _created_at, _updated_at, _id

What is your migration code

export const AVFile = {
    className: "AVFile",
    fields: {
        mime_type: {type: "String"},
        key: {type: "String"},
        name: {type: "String"},
        provider: {type: "String"},
        owner: {type: "String"},
        size: {type: "Number"},
        url: {type: "String"},
    indexes: {
        AVFile_ownerIndex: {owner: 1},
        AVFile_createdAtIndex: {_created_at: 1},
        AVFile_updatedAtIndex: {_updated_at: 1},
    classLevelPermissions: {
        find: {},
        count: {},
        get: {},
        update: {},
        create: {},
        delete: {},
        protectedFields: {},
schema: {
        definitions: [AVFile],
        lockSchemas: false,
        strict: true,
        recreateModifiedFields: true,
        deleteExtraFields: true,
    verbose: false,

This is a json not a code

I follow this website

Can you try this

AVFile_createdAtIndex: {createdAt: 1}


AVFile_createdAtIndex: { createdAt: 1},
use this can work

[TS] Node app is running on port: 1337
[TS] info: Running Migrations
[TS] info: Running Migrations Completed

but in mongodb, there is no createdAt filed in it

Then connect direct the Db and run this code


Yes, that’s work fine. I meant to create the _created_at index when defining the schema in the code.

I think the first one you should delete the AVFile Schema and after you should run the migration code, did you try?

I have try, but not work. mybe clear all data of db first ?

Which one didnt work _created_ad ?