WSS failed using Parse-Server AWS AMI

Hi all,

I have a set up a parse-server instance on EC2 based on Bitnami AMI.
I enabled SSL using the cmd “bncert-tool” which is based on Let’s Encrypt SSL

When I try to send a message via the web or mobile, the message is sent successfully and it’s saved in mongodb, however, the I got the error WebSocket connection to ‘wss://base_url/parse/’ failed: Error: Uncaught, unspecified “error”

I saw multiple suggestions, tried to apply them, but no luck, I already enabled some modules in apache httpd.conf

Please any idea how can I enable these live query in apache & is there any additional config in parse server side? by the way, below my config.json

“appId”: “XXXXXXX”,
“masterKey”: “XXXXXXX”,
“appName”: “parse-server”,
“mountPath”: “/parse”,
“port”: “1337”,
“host”: “”,
“serverURL”: “”,
“databaseURI”: “mongodb://[email protected]:27017/bitnami_parse”

do I need to add something to this config in order to enable live queries?

Thanks in advance

Yes. You need to setup the class names for live query: Parse Server Guide | Parse

Thanks for your reply davimacedo!

Can you please give me an example? because I don’t know how to do that, and is this enough? I mean setup class names for live query in the config.json file will enable it and no changes needed in the server side?

Thanks again.

I’m not sure if that’s enough since I’m not familiar with bitnami ami, but it is required for sure. You will have to change your config to something like this:

“appId”: “XXXXXXX”,
“masterKey”: “XXXXXXX”,
“appName”: “parse-server”,
“mountPath”: “/parse”,
“port”: “1337”,
“host”: “”,
“serverURL”: “”,
“databaseURI”: “mongodb://[email protected]:27017/bitnami_parse”,
"liveQuery": {
    "classNames": ['Test', 'TestAgain']