Xcode 14 compiling issue


I have encountered the following issue when I updated from Xcode13 to Xcode 14.

When I run pod install, I could not compile the project anymore. The error was something like

Pods.xcodeproj error project: Signing for “Parse-Parse” and “ParseUI” require a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.

In fact, pod install creates some folders called “Parse-Parse” and “ParseUI”.

I saw this article below:

After reading this article, I manually deleted those folders, then things started to compile/work again.

But I have to repeat the same thing (deleting the folders) each time I do pod install.

Is this something we need to worry about?


The pod spec for the iOS SDK is no longer supported. You should switch to using the Swift Package Manager. See the readme.md in the GH repo..
The CocoaPods version still looks like it’s working but you will get an old version of the client library.

Ok, thanks a lot for your reply!


While switching from using Podfile to Swift Package Manager, we had to do a couple of things in order to compile. Here are some memo, in case someone has to do the similar update. (The official documentation, iOS Developers Guide | Parse, talks about podfile, but not swift package manager.)

  1. with Swift Package manager, we add “Parse-Swift” library from: GitHub - parse-community/Parse-Swift: The Swift SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, Android, Windows)
  2. with Swift Package manager, we add other libraries like “ParseUI” etc from: GitHub - parse-community/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX: The Apple SDK for Parse Platform (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS)
  3. For those who was not using Swift Package manager, we have to add a following line under the target in Podfile:
  4. on your .swift files, replace “import Parse” with
    “import ParseSwift”, “import ParseCore”, “import ParseUI”