With the old forum, I considered applying to join CodeFund to display ‘ethical’ ads on the forum and possibly the other Parse Platform sites such as the main website, docs and blog.
CodeFund serve ads focused at developers & have a clear set of values (without that I wouldn’t even consider having ads). From their website…
We do not track, profile, or sell information. We do not use cookies. We only show ads that are relevant and meaningful to the users.
If people support this idea I was thinking we could start with some ads on the forum (there is an official plugin we can use) and then maybe extend to other parts of the website. The proceeds would of course go straight to our open collective.
It is also possible to only show adds users who are below a certain trust level.
They do have a minimum number of monthly page views (20,000 I think) which we were getting close to with the old forum.