Guide to setup Parse-Server with PostgreSQL on Docker

Hi guys, I’m Martin, I’ve been playing with FileMaker for 10 years (a low-code framework to develop apps for SMEs), I decided to jump that boat and after some time reading about what technologies to use, I decided to use Parse + Quasar for the rest of my life (Supabase + Quasar is my second option).

Can someone explain like If I were 10 years old how to setup parse using postgres on docker?
I am using macOS and I have installed Docker Desktop.
I’ve been playing with the docs, guides and 6 years old youtube videos, still no clear to me how to do it, I following the Guide I was be able to using Parse-Server on local using mongo.
I still not understand why the NoSQL databases are so popular, every situation I think about involves relationships, so will use PostgresSQL for my projects.
I did install the Parse-Dashboard using npm and I am able to launch it using the configuration file.

I really don’t want to spend weeks trying to make this thing work, because I don’t think is something that I will be working on it all the time, I just need the CRUD and Auth stuff, so I can start to play/learn the frontend (Quasar).

$50 contribution to Parse Open Collective / GitHub Sponsor if I am finally be able to make this thing work.

Martin R.

Feel free to look at my repo to see how to setup Parse with Postgres, Parse Dashboard, all with docker:

If you clone, you just need to docker-compose up to run. The yml file is: parse-hipaa/docker-compose.yml at parse-swift · netreconlab/parse-hipaa · GitHub

More details:

Hi Baker! I already been there :sweat_smile:, I saw lot of stuff there, mongo, swift, careKit?, etc…

I don’t really want to have ‘stuff that I don’t use’ because it makes hard to me to ‘decode’ that, when/if I decided to dig and try to understand the files inside the repo.
I also don’t have the knowledge to fork and ‘clean’ your repo and left only the needed stuff…

I also don’t want to deploy to Heroku, etc… maybe in the future if some customer decide not to host their soft locally, I will deploy the Apps in AWS probably, but that will be another fight for another time…

I hired some freelancer to create a docker-composer file, I haven’t tested it too much yet.
I left here the contents of the docker-compose.yml if for some reason help someone.
I really did not understood the docker thing and the repos, still not sure if I get it… :sweat_smile:

The netreconlab docker-compose.yml file looks more ‘polished’, but for me hard to understand whats going on there, and I don’t have the skills to create a new version with my requirements from that file.

I guess I will be using my version for a while until I decided to deploy or improve it, I will focus on the frontend for now.

I am gonna support this thing with $10/month :moneybag: and see if I can stick to Parse until I retire… :skull:

if is something crappy about this docker compose, feel free to comment…

version: '3'
    image: postgis/postgis
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
      - POSTGRES_DB=postgres
      - POSTGRES_MULTIPLE_EXTENSIONS=postgis,hstore,postgis_topology,postgis_raster,pgrouting
      - "5432:5432"
      - postgis-data:/var/lib/postgresql

    image: parseplatform/parse-server
      - PARSE_SERVER_MASTER_KEY=parse@master123!
      - PARSE_SERVER_DATABASE_URI=postgres://postgres:password@postgres/postgres
      - '1337:1337'
    entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 5;  node ./bin/parse-server"] #sleep few seconds for postgres to come up
      - postgres

    image: parseplatform/parse-dashboard
      - '4040:4040'
      - PARSE_DASHBOARD_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:1337/parse
      - PARSE_DASHBOARD_MASTER_KEY=parse@master123!
      - MOUNT_PATH=/dashboard/
    command: parse-dashboard --dev
      - parse

thx for the share, saved me quite some time!

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